
This project contains the HTML, CSS and JavaScript Capstone Project. Capstone Projects are done at the end of a module at Microverse, a remote tech institution.

Project Name

CEOs International Community Global Summit

** CEOs International Community Global Summit is an annual conference event that is held internationally for individuals from all walks of life to participate in real life and join us live on YouTube. The focus of this annual event is to address individuals, who wants to start their own business or have already started, create networking opportunity, share knowledge and possible begin relationships that could lead to funding for their business. **


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Live Demo:

Click Here to view presentation video

live demo link

To get a local copy up and runnig follow the following steps:

  1. Set up: Download this Github Repository https://github.com/DannieMo/MicroverseModule1-Capstone-Project.git and go to the index.html file

  2. Install: Set up liveserver as an extention in your VS Code

  3. Usage: Right click and open the index.html in your browser to view

Built With

Major languages

Technologies used


👤 Daniel Majesty Owiri

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.


Credit to Cindy Shin whose design template was used for this project. My Appreciation also goes to Peris Ndanu [https://github.com/mimipeshy] for taking out time to review my project. Every review gives me an opprtunity to improve. Thank you.

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📝 License This project is MIT licensed.